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What We Do

Library Services

Getting a Card Is Easy

If you are a resident of the Bradford Area School District, you are eligible for a free library card. Bring a valid photo identification and proof of address to the library to receive your library card. For a minor to acquire a library card a signature is required from a card-holding sponsor.

Non-residents are eligible for a library card for a fee of $10.

What You Can Do with Your Library Card

  • Borrow books, DVDs, audio books and other library materials.
  • Use our public computers in the library.
  • Search ONLINE DATABASES from your home, office or school.
  • Access free ONLINE COURSES with Gale Presents: Udemy.
  • Download eBooks and eAudio from your home, office or school through OverDrive
  • Complete an Interlibrary Loan request

Call 814-362-6527 or email the library for answers to your questions or to renew library materials.

eBooks & More

Libby online library logo.

We offer access to great digital content for all your mobile devices!  All you need is your library card, a device, and internet access.  Borrow eBooks, eAudio books, and eMagazines to enjoy on your phone or tablet using the Libby app, by OverDrive.  You can even send and read your borrowed books on your Kindle eReader!  It’s free and easy to get started for new users. Learn more.


Interlibrary Loan

If we do not have the title you are looking for we can request it from another library. All patrons holding a current Bradford Area Public Library (BAPL) card and free of obligations to the library are eligible to use the ILL service.  Both print and non-print materials may be requested.  Any materials that are received via ILL are the property of the lending library; therefore, BAPL must respect the policies of that library.  Reference materials may be requested, but best sellers may not be requested until six months after their publication date.

To verify information about requests, it is recommended that patrons wishing to borrow materials through ILL present their requests at the main desk during regular library hours.  However, requests may be made via email to Requests should include specific information about the material being requested and the patron’s contact information.

Meeting Room Use

Because of its role as a community center, the Bradford Area Public Library has several meeting rooms available to the general public for non-Library sponsored events.

Any groups may ask to reserve a Library meeting room provided the purpose of the proposed meeting/program is a legal one and that the group using the facility will be responsible for any damage caused to the room during the time they use it. The Library reserves the right to require insurance as it deems appropriate for such use.

The Library does not advocate or endorse viewpoints presented at meetings/programs that it does not sponsor.

Library-sponsored events receive priority in scheduling.  Room availability at other times is on a first-come, first-served basis. Cost of room use is $25.

The library requires interested parties to complete a room use request form that may be accessed at the Circulation Desk (we apologize for the inconvenience as we work to redesign our online form).